Building the Autotype template

Building the Autotype template
We are going to do this step by step, using the ORA and Family Historian navigation key strokes.
Open up a new Browser tab by clicking the ORA Setting button on the browser, and as a tip, drag that tab off onto the desktop so you can see the website, and have the ORA Settings side by side. Remember to close that tab before you close your main browser or you may loose all the tabs and have an 'empty' browser next time you start.

A few points to note before we start:

On your ORA Settings page, click the + to add the first autotype template:Green writing is what you should type
Write something in the reminder box, like, Start with the Family History cursor on the Individual's Name on their Property Box Records. ( ie at the end of Matilda's name) You can always come back to this field and add extra reminder lines.
In the first line of the Template, type {target=fh} - this will force ORA to write to Family Historian. Optionally, In the next few lines write comments similar to this:
# Author : me
# created/last updated : 1st July 2023
# This template writes the birth date, baptism date and place of baptism, and
# then will open up the existing FH source record and write the Citation data
# starting from the name field, tab 4 times to get to the birth date entry field
Click on the Test button and you should see Output {TAB*4}.

If you click on Matilda's name field in your FH, Refresh the Control Panel with a click on and then click the 1 button on the ORA Control Button, you should see the cursor move 4 steps and end in the Born: field. Watch the Family Historian section in the video below.

OK? If you don't see the cursor move over the Property box, double check that your Autotype template is correct.

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